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Asta Interview Questions

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Margret Ritschel
What Would You Do for Love?

After much trouble in The Agency, everyone can rest easy because I have found the culprit of The Asta Situation. After two rounds of interviews with everyone in The Agency, I have found who shaved Asta. On top of that, I also found what they used to shave Asta, when they shaved Asta, and why they shaved Asta. In secret agent terms, these pieces of evidence are called the means, the opportunity, and the motive. Since I am a fabulous agent, I know that Cara is clearly the culprit of the Asta Situation because she has access to the letter opener, she was seen going into the room where Asta was sleeping, and she was doing it all for her love of Dickie.
Cara had the means to shave Asta. In my second interview with Dickie he told me, “Yes, I did ask Agent MacGuffin for the letter opener. Cara appeared very intrigued by this antique device when I described it …show more content…
In my first interview with Agent Brown she told me, “I think he likes to nap in the office that houses Dickie because it's always cool in there and the hum of the fans can be somewhat calming and hypnotic.” This tells me that Asta is usually in Dickie’s office and if you remember from the means evidence, the letter opener was also in Dickie’s office. In my second interview with Agent Brown she told me, “On my way back from the meeting with Q and Agent L, I saw Cara coming out of the same room. She seemed to be carrying something, but I was too far away to see what it was. And, strangely, from that distance, she seemed almost dusty, like she had something on her clothes, which is really unlike her. She always appears to look particularly stylish when I see her at Dickie's office.” This tells me that Dickie was powered off as Cara leaves the room where the letter opener was left and she was covered in a dusty substance perhaps dog hair. That leads me to think Cara is the culprit of the Asta Situation but why would she do

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