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George Simpson Book Report

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George Simpson much like many other Europeans and Americans came into close quarter contact with the various Natives that populated the Pacific Northwest during his venture for the Hudson Bay Company after its merger with the Northwest Company. Simpson’s journey, which followed the Colombia River, brought Simpson into contact with a variety of tribes, most prominent being the Nez Perce and the Chinook which Simpson wrote extensively about in his journal. Like many before him Simpson assumed that many of the native bands fell under the same tribe as well as leadership, in spite of the fact that they all spoke different languages. It is due to this that the majority of his observations on natives are misguided, thus causing much of the natives relation within the fur trade explained by Simpson to be taken with a grain of salt. …show more content…
A few pages discuss his position on the Natives in the upper Colombia region. During his brisk journey along the Colombia, Simpson rarely stayed in one location for an extended amount of time leaving observations of the area lack lust bar from the occasional mention of the Nez Perce due to the worries of future hostilities in Simpson’s mind. Simpson described the Nez Perce as “saucy and bold” believing the less contact with the Nez Perce the better for the sake of the success of the expeditions (pp.72). Due to the swiftness of Simpson’s movement through the Upper Colombia it leaves these accounts of Native populations to be misguided due to recording simply what he saw along the shores as he passed by or from what he had heard from other sources in the

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