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Japanese Women Research Paper

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Today, the voices calling for women's participation in society have increased significantly. However, our society still cannot escape from the idea of male being centered. Prejudice on women stemming from sexual discrimination can easily be found in many parts of society. However, Japanese women have played a complex and at times powerful role in pre-modern and early modern society and politics With the establishment of the ancient ruling country, the political power of male supremacy became firmer and the consciousness of male supremacy gradually dug into society. The patriarchal family influenced Japanese society in the middle ages. As a result, the women’s right of inheritance in property got weakened. The sexual subordination of the wife began, and there were also prostitution that did not exist in the past. In the modern time, the mainstream in family was the married couple and their immediate children or parents. Only men could represent household called as ‘ie’, which can mean either a physical home or refer to a family’s lineage and women only played the role of producing a child. Women who were totally excluded from the position of a government and economic official were forced into masculine Confucian morality. In addition, Sankin Cottai system, …show more content…
Fortunately, women made an effort to carry out suffrage through the awareness that a woman was also one portion of humans from Daisho Democracy, the movement for a democratic renovation in Japan from the war between Russia and Japan to the age of Daisho. This was because during the period, the government strengthened the education of a good wife and wise mother. However, women still sustained low-wage labor for the development of capitalism and were forced to play a role as comfort women

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