...You can write off Martial Arts styles like Tae Kwon Do and most forms of karate right away -- they are simply not effective when it comes to defending yourself in the real world. Spinning and high flying kicks may look cool in Hollywood movies and in the dojo, but try using any of these in the street and you will find yourself on your back in a pool of your own blood before you figure out what hit you. When it comes to real life self-defense, MMA style striking combining Muay Thai and western style boxing has proven the best for stand up, while Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (also know as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) has proven to be the best overall and when on the ground. With over 90% of real life fights ending on the ground, it is clear that the opponent who is the best at ground fighting will ultimately have the upper hand. During your life there may definitely be some situations where you may prefer to try and stay on your feet and rely on your MMA striking skills, such as facing multiple opponents in a bar. However, experienced Gracie Jiu-Jitsu practitioners like Jean Jacques Machado and Chad LeBrun of The Lab Mixed Martial Arts Academy in Fredericksburg, VA, have proven that Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is the most effective fighting style against multiple attackers and even armed assailants....
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...result of families needing two incomes to survive has led to the depression and lack of guidance that is needed to nurture our children today. This is why Martial Arts instruction in school may increase confidence, self-esteem and decrease bullying in schools. Parents often have the false impression that martial arts will lead to their child learning violence, when in fact, the increase in confidence that martial arts brings is one of its perks. Kids will have the confidence along with the skills to be able to achieve higher levels in any art or physical activity. Kids can apply that same amount of confidence to other aspects of their life. For example, it allows the student to really focus on the issue at hand. Another benefit about martial arts is the confidence for socialization with peers, instructors and adults. Martial arts show the student to treat everyone with respect and to carry themselves with honor. During the course of my research, I found that, it’s rare to find a martial art that even mentions why, where and how violence happens. (Whether it's individual self-defense, a domestic violence situation, or war, a practitioner needs to understand what they're up against to effectively learn to defend against it. Prevention strategies can and should account for most self-defense. They're nonexistent in most martial art training.), (Functional self-defense .org, 2014.) As the saying goes; “There are no bad students only bad teachers.” The Karate Kid (1984). I agree with...
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...socialization such as physical education are eliminated or severely scaled down. According to an interview with Mrs. Cohen, UAW representative of Hamilton Elementary, $10,000 is required to educate each student, but Detroit Public Schools is receiving $7,000 per student. Although, the program “No Child Left Behind” was enacted to give children equal opportunity despite extraordinary circumstantial, academic and environmental conditions, inner-city students are beginning their educational endeavor discounted and disadvantaged. Educators are frustrated, many parents are uninvolved, and the children are angry and becoming more violent daily. Regular episodes of physical violence plague Detroit Public Schools; thus, a new channel such as Martial Arts needs integration into the school system to redirect instability. The Need School violence has negatively impacted the learning process and has forced the federal and state governments to enact programs for safer schools. According to Kym Worthy, prosecutor of Wayne County, “School violence is an issue that has plagued America for years (Detroit Public Schools).” Therefore, the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office and the Safe Schools Program implemented a $41.7 million initiative to address school violence, truancy and safety. This program works with 17 schools to establish anti-bullying hotlines, sex offender registries, teen courts, safe school zones and more. In addition, the Wayne county Office of Violence Reduction, in...
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...Martial Arts Benefits for Children – More than Just Self Defense Janice Ervin Western Governor’s University WGU Student ID: 362454 Martial Arts Benefits for Children – More than Just Self Defense Martial Arts has an extensive history covering many centuries, several continents and dozens of styles, including Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Jui Jitsu, Aikido, fencing and sword fighting and even archery. The majority of martial arts history is seen in methods of fighting and self-defense. We think of the Samurai in Japan and their legendary combat skills, or the European upper class and their gifted fencing skills. Interest in the martial arts in America became popular in the 1960’s with the popularity of movie star Bruce Lee and later with cartoons such as the “Mutant Ninja Turtles”. In fact, we rarely see martial arts portrayed in any other light than that of fighting and self-defense. In fact, martial arts, by definition of the term, is “military art” or the art of self-defense. However, martial arts has much more to offer than just a form of self-defense. In fact, martial arts can be beneficial to students of all ages, and particularly to children, in improving physical conditioning, enhancing academic performance, and developing self-control. Martial arts are often grouped as hard or soft styles or traditional or modern. Some styles have a focus on striking techniques versus grappling techniques, and a method of training. For instance, Aikido which is translated as “the way...
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...Tai chi is often described as "meditation in motion," but it might well be called "medication in motion." There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, has value in treating or preventing many health problems. And you can get started even if you aren't in top shape or the best of health. In this low-impact, slow-motion exercise, you go without pausing through a series of motions named for animal actions — for example, "white crane spreads its wings" — or martial arts moves, such as "box both ears." As you move, you breathe deeply and naturally, focusing your attention — as in some kinds of meditation — on your bodily sensations. Tai chi differs from other types of exercise in several respects. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, the joints are not fully extended or bent, and connective tissues are not stretched. Tai chi can be easily adapted for anyone, from the fit to people confined to wheelchairs or recovering from surgery. The results of a new analysis have provided good evidence to suggest that Tai Chi is beneficial for arthritis. Specifically, it was shown to decrease pain with trends towards improving overall physical health, level of tension and satisfaction with health status. (Medscape) Musculoskeletal pain, such as that experienced by people with arthritis, places a severe burden on the patient and community and is recognized as an international...
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...cynic about the use of the samurai tradition to explain Japan’s success in sports. Nihon Sumō Kyōkai. (1986). Sumo. Japan: Nihon-Sumo-Kyokai Nihon explains in details how important Sumo is and how it is highly recognized in Japan by the government. He also complains about the concept of two high-naked men wrestling within a small roped ring, and the deeper meaning of it all. He goes ahead to elaborate that this encompasses both Shinto beliefs and Japan’s most understated cultural nuance. He explains how old the sport is dating back to 1500 years and professionalized in the 18th century. Gutman, B. (1995). Sumo wrestling. Minneapolis: Capstone Press. This interesting book helps to uncover the mystery and tradition of the ancient fighting arts. Gutman explains in a very interesting way how, many years back, Asian warriors found out that the human body can serve as a weapon to be used in attacking enemies and protecting oneself. Sharnoff, L. (1993). Grand sumo: The living sport and tradition. New York: Weatherhill. This book by Sharnoff gives readers an insight about the men who wrestle each other. It also talks about their reasons for entering Sumo, and the way their lives are in the sumo world. The book also gives readers rules, rankings, techniques, and ceremonies of Sumo. Sandifer, J. (2011). The unofficial history of sumo wrestling. S.l: s.n. Sandifer gives a very comprehensive history of Sumo wrestling, including how the sport is made up and how vital Shinto religion...
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...Martial arts in schools for troubled children By Malik Helms Thesis statement : Martial arts has been a proven system to help with behavioral problems, build confidence in children, and develops structure in children. Topic Martial arts should be brought into schools to help bring an alternative to troubled students. 1. Children with behavioral issues like ADHD have turned to martial arts as a different approach to combat this condition. Peak performance martial arts site had an article about how after a 12 week study how their was a difference in class work Completion and also a increase in class participation. There was also a decrease in class disruptions. 2. Martial arts also can help with confidence issues in children. I an article on the site zultimate talks about how the training and accomplishing goals such as getting higher belt rank help develops confidence and the feeling of accomplishment. It’s a proven fact that children with higher confidence are less likely to be bullied and also succeed at a faster rate. 3. Martial arts can help you Succeed in life threw is philosophy and lessons no matter what art you choose it has its core values. These values can help you in the dojo and or the school yard. Martial...
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...Donnie Yen has been my favorite martial artists to this day. His style is Wing Chun. Wing Chun, in my opinion, is very interesting to watch. Back in his younger days, he was a rebel with high expectations. His parents were well off. His mother was the founder of the Chinese Wushu research institute. While his father was a great scholar and musician. Donnie Yen was very curious and he joined a Chinatown gang in Boston. Under the influence of his mother, Donnie was very interested in martial arts. He wanted to gain martial arts knowledge with different people and with different people they have different martial arts backgrounds. Rumors have it that when he left a nightclub he sent eight members of a gang to the hospital. He has collaborated...
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...Mixed Martial Arts (abbreviatedMMA) is a competition between two combatants that has evolved from deep-rootedhistories throughout different cultures and continents, and it continues toevolve through competition today. Sincethe beginning of humanity, unarmed combat has been a part of ourexistence. Just as MMA has existed (inone form or another) for thousands of years, so have the detractors of MixedMartial Arts. Often criticized for itsbarbarism and the risk involved in competition, MMA has faced opposition fromthe likes of Alexander the Great to United States Senator John McCain. Mixed Martial Arts has adapted due to thiscriticism, evolving into a sport whose legitimacy is acknowledged throughoutthe world. Theearliest instances of mixed forms of combat being implemented as a sportoccurred in ancient Greecewith pankration. Pankration may indeedbe ��among the oldest [martial art], having been well documented before thecoming of Christ�� (Arvanitis 1). Theancient Olympic games of Greecewere geared mostly towards running events. In 708 B.C., wrestling, or pale, was introduced. Pale consisted of two styles � kato pale andorthia pale. Kato pale consisted ofground wrestling, with the loser signaling his submission by raising the indexfinger of his right hand. Orthia paleconsisted of only standup grappling techniques, where the victor was the firstto throw his opponent to the ground three times. The majority of Greek soldiers and otherathletes felt that orthia...
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...courses should be combined. * A library bar should be established for members. * The brochure should be published which includes the rules of Kung Fu. * Some activities should be held to create active atmosphere. * Mandarin language lessons need to be opened. * Difference length of courses may be suit for degree of members. * Audio-visual materials should be sold to ensure the persistent practice. Background to the project Kung Fu, as a kind of Chinese martial arts, is an important part of traditional Chinese culture. With the development of history, Kung Fu has become a large system which contains various schools in China. A majority of schools are classified by geographical locations, such as the southern fist in south China and Shaolin Kung Fu School in north China. These Kung Fu schools are usually located in peaceful places surrounded by the majestic and deeply spiritual mountain range. With the rapid international dissemination, the influence of Chinese martial arts has extended to the...
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...Ty Gunnlaugsson One of the Air Force Core Values is "Integrity First"; what does this mean to you? I first heard the word integrity after beginning martial arts training. Integrity is one of the tenants of Tae Kwon Do. My sensei explained to us that a martial artist is a person of integrity and it is important that you live a life of integrity. I began to know the meaning of integrity as simply being honest and to never lie. As I grew older the word integrity began to have more meaning. Integrity isn't something you just do; a person's integrity defines their character. Integrity is very difficult to earn but very easy to lose. My sensei explained integrity like this, "look at the white of your karate uniform." He explained. "The white represents your integrity to me. As of this moment I trust all of you, but as soon as you violate your integrity and my trust, it is like getting mustard sprayed on the white of your uniform. Every time you walk into a room your white uniform shows the mustard stains and it reflects on your character. As you begin to show integrity it is like washing your uniform, however not all of the mustard stains will come off. People will still remember the time you let them down and didn't show integrity." As my instructor said in one instance of lack of integrity could seriously damage your relations with other people and their view of your character forever. Integrity is your moral compass, and is the willingness to do the right thing even when no one...
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...Cambodia is a third world country in Southeast Asia that has a corrupt government affecting many lives. Aside from my own family, the rest of my entire family lives in Cambodia. Socheata Ouk is my cousin, 26 years old and is a very hard working individual. She supports her mother and herself with the little money that she makes monthly. She wishes that there could be a change in the school system and the process of getting a good job over there, “paying for school with the money I make to keep up with my electricity bills, food, and to help mother and aunts is hard but I love how I have a job because there are many people here that don’t have a job” (Ouk). Socheata loves to fantasize about living in America with the many opportunities we have along with freedom. She told me, “you are very lucky to be living out there, take every opportunity you can” (Ouk). I asked Socheata why does she think that is happening in Cambodia, she responds, “the prime minister, the government, they don’t want to help us” (Ouk). This drew my attention in because I can’t stand the fact my family has to go through those hardships working 10x harder than I am. They need help from us. If this issue gets more attention from people outside of Cambodia, then people will know that Cambodians really need help for a change; and that is to get change the corruption ways of the government. Hun Sen is the Prime Minister and is considered as a dictator but doesn’t claim himself one. He was apart of the Khmer Rouge...
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...Even at the age of 80, Helen Dugan can still kick your tail. She is a third-degree black belt in American karate. But, that is not the only thing that makes this woman remarkable, it is what she does with these skills that will knock your socks off. She has opened up a karate school and started teaching kids with disabilities. Karate and many other sports, can help people both young and old with their, social skills,physical and mental fitness, and self-esteem. To start with, these sports can help with a person’s social skills. In the article it states,”About 20 of her 60 kids are on the autism spectrum.” This means that they have trouble with their social skills. Which can hinder their ability to interact with others. An environment like...
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...Tai chi isn’t just martial art but also philosophy of life. It’s interested because you will see how smart our ancestor make tai chi. The learn from nature and make one great culture from that. They can make whole hospital in one martial art. They brign our body to the basic level of health. Todays, tai chi use for alternative treatment in medical technology . People belived that Chang Shan Feng is the Ancestor of tai chi. Chang Shan Feng lived in Wudang mountaion ,north west od Hubei Province, China. A lot of Chinese myth tell about Chang Shan Feng. In historical records , there were 2 Chang Shan Feng, ones lived in dynasty song and the other in dynasty ming . Chang Shan Feng in Dynasty Song was known good in martial art. In Chinese myth he got the tai chi from the dream. In that time Chang Shan Feng invated by the king Song to show his martial arts, but in the middle of road, there were 100 thief who inhibit his. In the night hi got a dream , Wudang mountain spirit came to him and teach him tai chi. In the next days he used the taichi to against 100 thief. Chang Shan Feng from Dynasty Ming was known good in play a sword. The story of Chang Shan Feng in Dynasty Ming told that Cahng Shan Feng learn Taoism in Wudang Mountain . he tried to solve the mystery of Yin –Yang , which is the theory of “ eight trigram”, and he tried to solve The mstery of immortality from turtle and bird life. Tai chi is ancient culture in china which is still exist until now. There are people exercise...
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...------------------------------------------------- Known Titan ShiftersEdit Name | Description | Titan Form | Eren Yeager"Rogue Titan" | Eren Yeager is shown capable of transforming into a Titan, usually appearing as a 15-meter class Titan with shaggy, black hair. This Titan form Eren allowed to carry a large boulder at a great distance or even the Armored Titan.This form is the first type of Titan revealed to be a Titan Shifter in the series. Unofficially named as the "Rogue Titan," this form has so far been shown to have fairly substantial physical strength, learned martial arts techniques, and relentless endurance. Prolonged and repeated use of this Titan form has shown that its user Eren Yeager can gradually increase control over one's initial unstable mental state | | Ymir"Dancing Titan" | Ymir has the ability to transform into a 7-meter class Titan with long, dark hair, a chimpanzee-like body, and, like most of the other Titan Shifters, no skin. This form grants Ymir rather long arms and sharp claws. It has also been shown to provide her with great agility.The smallest Titan Shifter yet known, this Titan form has a mouth full of pointy shark-like teeth, as well as sharp claws that can either be used to hang on walls or for combat. Its long arms and small muscular body enable it to manuever itself around with great speed and agility in the same environments as those with 3DM gear, making it a formidable foe or ally. | | Annie Leonhardt"Female Titan" | Annie Leonhardt...
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