...mejorándolo. En este trabajo señalaremos varios elementos comunes entre ambas sociedades, como por ejemplo: política, religión y arquitectura entre otros. Cuando leemos sobre el aspecto político en la sociedad griega y en la romana, encontramos los orígenes de las ciudades – estado en Grecia. Esta sociedad estaba dividida, políticamente, en muchos reinados pequeños. En éstos, los nobles y los reyes eran los responsables de la toma de decisiones. Los artesanos, al igual que los campesinos, eran personas libres. Posteriormente, dichos reinados se desarrollaron en las llamadas polis o ciudades – estado. Estas ciudades se convirtieron en centro de comercio, al igual que de actividades sociales y políticas. En ellas, se construían grandes templos a los dioses griegos. Además, el rey y sus soldados protegían a los residentes cercanos de la acrópolis, colina donde vivía el primero. En estas polis el poder y la autoridad estaban concentrados en una sola figura. Atenas llegó a convertirse en la potencia naval más importante, gracias a expediciones que contribuyeron a una expansión que enfocó en Grecia la mayor parte de las transacciones de comercio en el...
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...so complex to grasp what one is reading and or studying. This is no different for the ancient Greek word “polis” as we define as “city-state.”(Nagel pg 1) However does this simple definition fully define the true meaning of a polis? With city being portrayed as a large socialeconomically diverse urban center and with state suggesting a formal government, we are lead to wonder if these two words blended together begin to explain what a polis really is. It is never easy to answer the question “What is an ancient Greek polis?” because everyone had their own answer to the question. For instance Aristotle says a polis was a community of self-governing citizens.(Nagel pg 1) Aristotle was said to be the most important ancient analysis of the polis system, his most famous quote being “Man is a polis animal.” (Nagel pg 1) Aristotle tells us that politeia, today’s constitution, is not just a set of laws but cultural, economical, and social way of life. (Nagel pg 9)Homer author of the Iliad and Odyssey feels a polis is formed when villages in a community unite and become large enough to be self-sufficient.(Nagel pg 8) Herodotus of The Histories of Herodotus saw polesis as a body of citizens sufficiently numerous for Securing a self-sufficient existence. As we can see that throughout time we have many authors who each carry a different point of view on how to properly view a polis of Ancient Greece. Every author has an idea and facts to back this idea up which makes it impossible to properly...
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...Scottsdale, Arizona versus Tallahassee, Florida In general, people move to different cities throughout United States due to different circumstances, such as going to college, job transfer to family situations. This paper will compare and contrast the pros and cons between Scottsdale and Tallahassee, specifically, four broad categories: nightlife, climate, police presence, and beach access. Activities in a city or town make the city unique in its own way. First, the climate in Scottsdale, AZ is amazing during the peak time, which is in the summer. However, the summer won’t be too appealing for some people since it can get too hot, which causes people to stay indoors. Unlike Scottsdale, Tallahassee has all four seasons, and people enjoy the weather regardless if it’s raining or sunny than when compared to Scottsdale. Moreover, in Tallahassee, there are a lot of bugs that are present, which causes people to spray bug repellent in the summer time. Conversely, in Scottsdale, bugs are not a problem. However, both cities share…. Second, nightlife in Scottsdale is pretty significant, and people all around the Phoenix area come to enjoy the dance scene. Whether it’s hip hop, country to techno music, there are a wide variety of night clubs to participate in. On the contrary, the nightlife in Tallahassee is not as mainstream as Scottsdale. In Scottsdale, there are eleven clubs with restaurants/bars turning to a club after certain hours, which can push that number into the...
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...he problem with Compaq is that they developed too much IT architecture using financial advisory, where R&D and openness keys to development and the culture, while ignoring the environment. Open communication and trust was barricaded and destroyed by ASK (financial IS). The workers were being motivated by fear, much like Geneen in Morgan’s Images Of Organization. From an IT architecture standpoint, numbers based on the finance division depicted the entire company, even the organizational structure. The organizational structure did not align with the IT architecture, and the culture did not align with it either. Morgan stated, “The division of labor characteristic of industrial societies creates a problem of integration, or what may be more accurately described as a problem of integration, or what may be more accurately described as a problem of “cultural management.”” Compaq started as a functional structure, changed into a divisional fairly soon and then back to functional. Culture was strongly emphasized over anything else. CASH stated, “The process encompassed a whole range of ideas, including (1) the rule of inclusion, (2) teamwork, (3) “working the issue,” and (4) consensus building.” The IS system at Compaq did allow the free-flow of information through email named “B-mail.” ASK was used for financial services so that the company could easily track orders, and know where it stood financially. The culture felt monitored by ASK operators since it “becomes responsible for...
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...The growth of one individual alongside of the other And together with the growth of both Love is..., the source of success Love is... The excitement of planning things together The excitement of doing things together Love is..., the source of the future Love is... The fury of the storm The calm of the rainbow Love is...., the source of passion Love is... Giving and taking in a daily situation being Patient with each other’s needs and desires Love is... the source of sharing Love Knowing that the person Will always be with you regardless of what happens Missing the other person when they are away But remaining near in heart at all times Love is... the source of security Love is... the source of life Susan Polis...
Words: 262 - Pages: 2
...Strayer, BUS 475 Complete Course, BUS 475 Complete Class, BUS 475 Entire Course BUS 475 Entire Class, Strayer BUS 475 , BUS 475 New Course, BUS 475 All Assignments, BUS 475 All Dqs, BUS 475 ExerCises, BUS 475 Final, BUS 475 Week 1, BUS 475 Week 2, BUS 475 Week 3, BUS 475 Week 4, BUS 475 Week 5, BUS 475 Week 1-5, BUS 475 mcqs, BUS 475 , BUS 475 Strayer, BUSN 319 Complete Course, BUSN 319 Complete Class, BUSN 319 Entire Course, BUSN 319 Entire Class, BUSN 319, BUSN 319 New Course, BUSN 319 All Assignments, BUSN 319 All Dqs, BUSN 319 ExerCises, BUSN 319 Final, BUSN 319 Week 1, BUSN 319 Week 2, BUSN 319 Week 3, BUSN 319 Week 4, BUSN 319 Week 5, BUSN 319 Week 1-5, BUSN 319, BUSN 319, BUSN 319 Devry, CIS 246 Complete Course, CIS 246 Complete Class,...
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... Le mot même de "politique" est issu étymologiquement du terme grec polis signifiant "cité". De même, les termes utilisés pour qualifier les régimes politiques (démocratie, aristocratie par exemple) sont d'origine grecque. Les Hellènes ont été les premiers à réfléchir sur le phénomène du pouvoir, sur les rapports entre les groupes sociaux, sur le fonctionnement des institutions. De la sorte, leur influence a été déterminante sur le cours de l'histoire des idées politiques jusqu'à l'ère moderne. Ainsi, les théoriciens du IIIème Reich se vantaient d'avoir réalisé la cité idéale platonicienne exposée dans Les Lois; de même, ils admiraient l'idéologie politique de Sparte. Les cités grecques ont élaboré un type d'Etat impliquant une participation à la vie publique des habitants. I. Le cadre de la réflexion politique: la polis A. Le caractère spécifique de la polis Au début de la période archaïque grecque (du VIIIème au VIème siècle avant J.C.), la polis, c'est à dire la Cité-Etat, va déjà apparaître comme pleinement constituée. Cette polis est une entité géographique de petite dimension constituée d'une agglomération urbaine, ainsi que de la campagne environnante parsemée de villages et bourgades. Sur le sol grec (rassemblant la Grèce continentale, les îles, mais aussi les côtes de l'Asie mineure, l'Italie du Sud et la Sicile), on compte une multitude de ces micro-états. L'invention de la polis eut lieu en Asie mineure (appelée également Ionie) à la fin des âges ...
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...Vývoj a význam BRIC vo svetovej ekonomike ÚVOD Koniec studenej vojny so sebou priniesol významné zmeny v rozložení moci vo svete. Rozpad Sovietskeho zväzu so sebou priniesol zánik bipolárneho rozdelenia sveta a jedinou veľmocou vychádzajúcou víťazne z tohto obdobia sa stali Spojené štáty americké. V ďalších rokoch sa stávajú dominantným štátom na medzinárodnom poli a po teroristických útokoch 11. septembra 2001 sa stále častejšie hovorí dokonca o unilaterálnom svetovom poriadku. Avšak od vypuknutia ekonomickej krízy v roku 2008, svetovej politike opäť dominuje predovšetkým téma ekonomická. Táto dominancia však zďaleka neznamená, že by problematika moci a jej rozloženia v systéme stratila na význame. Práve naopak. Mnoho odborníkov už dlhšiu dobu upozorňuje na to, že prehliadanie tejto problematiky, ktorá tvorí základy každého moderného medzinárodného systému, môže spôsobiť v budúcnosti podstatné problémy. Napr. Cohen vo svojej publikácii „Geopolitical Realities“ upozorňuje na hrozbu, že „príliš veľký dôraz na tému, ktorá je síce aktuálna, ale je lokálneho alebo krátkodobého rozsahu, môže byť v dlhodobom meradle kontraproduktívne.“ Svoje tvrdenie zdôvodňuje tým, že takéto správanie môže: „maskovať omnoho dôležitejšie geopolitické sily a štruktúry, ktoré ovplyvňujú procesy globálnej rovnováhy“ (Cohen, s.2). V súvislosti s možnou zmenou tohto poriadku v budúcnosti, sa hovorí o 4 štátoch, Brazília, Rusko, India a Čína (tzv. BRIC), ktoré majú svoje záujmy a stále viac tiež prostriedky...
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...KANDUNGAN AKADEMIK (AKTA, DASAR, SLOGAN, BADAN) PENDIDIKAN MORAL SPM BIL NILAI AKTA/DASAR/SLOGAN 1.1 Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan 1.2 Amanah Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1997 Slogan “Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah” (BCA) Kempen Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan 1983 Borang “Aku Janji” 2002 Akta Rahsia Rasmi 1972 Kempen “Saya Anti-Rasuah” 1.3 Harga diri 1.4 1.5 Bertanggungjawab Hemah tinggi 1.6 Toleransi 1.7 Berdikari Dasar Pembangunan Nasional 1991 Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan Kempen Budi Bahasa Anugerah Nobel Rancangan Pembangunan Lima Tahun Dasar Pembangunan Nasional 1991 Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan Kongres Kebudayaan Kebangsaan 1971 Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) 1970-1990 Program Pembangunan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT) Majlis Rumah Terbuka Aktiviti Kokurikulum PIHAK Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Rakan Muda Kelab Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya (PRS) FELDA Unit Perancangan Ekonomi Negara (UPEN) Koperasi Sekolah Kelab Usahawan Muda 1.8 1.9 Kerajinan Kasih sayang Dasar Pandang Ke Timur Kempen Derma Organ 1.10 Keadilan Akta Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia 1999 Seksyen 376 Kanun Keseksaan Rancangan Malaysia (ke-8) Program Perumahan Rakyat Projek Perumahan Desa Riang Kepada Orang Asli Cukai Pintu Cukai Pendapatan Perseorangan 1.11 Rasional 1.12 Kesederhanaan ...
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...Aristotel (Greacă: Αριστοτέλης) (n. 384 î.Hr. - d. 7 martie 322 î.Hr.) a fost unul din cei mai importanţi filosofi ai Greciei Antice, clasic al filosofiei universale, spirit enciclopedic, fondator al şcolii peripatetice. Deşi Platon a pus bazele filosofiei, Aristotel este cel care a tras concluziile necesare din filosofia acestuia şi a dezvoltat-o, putîndu-se cu siguranţă afirma că Aristotel este întemeietorul ştiinţei politice ca ştiinţă de sine stătătoare. A întemeiat şi sistematizat domenii filosofice ca Metafizica, Logica formală, Retorica, Etica Aristotel s-a născut la Stagira, motiv pentru care i se mai spune Stagiritul. Tatăl său, Nicomah, a fost medicul regelui Macedoniei, Midas al II-lea, tatăl lui Filip al II-lea şi bunicul lui Alexandru Macedon. Mama sa, pe nume Phaestis, provenea din familie aristocratică. A înfiinţat propria lui şcoală – Liceul (Lykeion sau şcoala peripatetică), şcoală ce va rivaliza cu Academia lui Platon. Va preda aici timp de treisprezece ani şi îşi va continua neobosit cercetările. În 323 î. Hr., odată cu moartea lui Alexandru, la Atena a răbufnit vechea duşmănie faţă de macedoneni. Aristotel s-a refugiat la Chalkis, în insula Eubeea, unde a murit un an mai târziu. La conducerea şcolii îi succede Theofrast, cel mai important discipol al său. Vastul sistem filosofic şi ştiinţific conceput de Aristotel, uimitor prin diversitate (logică, teologie, politică, estetică, fizică, astronomie, zoologie etc.) şi profunzime, a stat la baza gândirii...
Words: 699 - Pages: 3
...Lara Ballantyne Jaylen Gadhia Rachel Kirby Sami Zubair Agenda Current Situation Objectives Distance Satisfaction Brand Finance & Implementation Current Situation POLITICAL ECONOMIC REPUTATIONAL 50% of revenues came from online sales channels East-West routes = 38% of revenue and 35% of passenger km’s 32% of Danes are motivated to use the train system, however rarely do Current Situation Objectives Distance Satisfaction Brand Financials & Implementation What Matters Most Increase Rail Travel Alterna(ves Maximize Sa(sfac(on Financial Impact Strengthen Brand Image ST & LT Benefits Increase Fleet Commercialize Sta(ons Improve Technology Market the Brand Alter Interior of Trains Focus on On-‐Board Ameni(es Enter Alterna(ve Transport Markets Current Situation Objectives Distance Satisfaction Brand Financials & Implementation The “DSB” Strategy OBJECTIVE D (Distance) S (Satisfaction) B (Brand) Current Situation Increase passenger kilometers travelled Maximize customer satisfaction Improve DSB’s brand image Objectives STRATEGY • • • • IMPACT Facilitate commercialization of surrounding train station areas with improved...
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...ACC 560,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 560,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 561,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 561,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 565,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 565,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACCT 346,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACCT 346,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACCT 434,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACCT 434,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACCT 567,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACCT 567,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, PHI 200,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, PHI 200,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, Res 301,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, Res 301,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford BA 215,Course...
Words: 4565 - Pages: 19
...historická realita 6 4.1. Historický kontext díla 6 4.2. Rekonstrukce reality 7 4.3. Aware versus okašii 9 4.4. Práce na objednávku? 10 5. Závěr 11 6. Seznam použité literatury 12 2 1. Úvod Osou této práce jsou autobiografické pasáže díla Makura no sóši (doslova "Podhlavníkové sešity", v českém překladu Miroslava Nováka vyšlo jako Důvěrné sešity) paní Sei Šónagon (964?-?) ve světle historického kontextu. Díky znalostem historických faktů a jejich porovnáním s obrazem reflektovaným v tomto díle můžeme odkrýt další možnou rovinu autorčina vyprávění, na první pohled umně ukrytou za povětšinou veselou fasádou, a formulovat tak zajímavé hypotézy ohledně okolností vzniku díla či interpretace jednotlivých vyobrazených epizod. V rámci celé práce je použito české transkripce japonštiny, japonská jména jsou uváděna dle japonských zvyklostí v pořadí příjmení (rodové jméno) – osobní jméno.Výjimku tvoří seznam literatury a citace v poznámkovém aparátu, kde respektuji přepis japonštiny vydavatelů jednotlivých děl. Biografická data uvedená v závorkách za jmény významných osob stejně jako veškerou ostatní použitou dataci čerpám z knihy Japonská literatura 712 1868 Zdenky Švarcové (pokud není uvedeno jinak). Výchozím zdrojem informací mi logicky bylo samo zkoumané dílo, konkrétně jeho český překlad, tedy Důvěrné sešity. Publikací, která mi pomohla celé téma uchopit a která mi pomáhala utvářet si náhled na celou problematiku...
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...Alessandro III di Macedonia. 20 luglio 356 - 10 giugno 323 Dicembre 2014 Alessandro e Bucefalo. ALESSANDRO MAGNO !1 Alessandro III di Macedonia. 20 luglio 356 - 10 giugno 323 Le Fonti. Una gran parte degli scritti di questo periodo sono stati perduti, e la stragrande maggioranza di quello che è arrivato a noi sono rielaborazioni dei testi contemporanei ad opera di autori successivi. Si incontrano principalmente tre stili e quattro tematiche. Per quanto riguarda gli stili abbiamo: quello retorico, curato, armonico ed elegante; quello drammatico o tragico, ricco di phàtos ed elementi meravigliosi, principalmente ritrovato nella storiografia sui diadochi; quello pragmatico, che tratta i nudi avvenimenti con relazione causale, esponente di spicco fu Polibio di Megalopoli. Le quattro grandi tematiche sono A., i Diadochi, la storiografia locale e le narrazioni su popolazioni lontane. Durante il periodo dei Diadochi gli storici usavano schierarsi a favore di uno piuttosto che un altro; riguardo la produzione locale era in uso scrivere in difesa delle tradizioni; le storie sulle popolazioni cosiddette lontane parlano degli Orientali come delle popolazioni a Ovest della Grecia. La prima tematica affrontata è, ovviamente, Alessandro Magno. Molti storici che hanno trattato riguardo le imprese del condottiero macedone non solo furono suoi contemporanei, ma parteciparono in prima persona alla spedizione in Asia; nonostante ciò è quasi impossibile riuscire a comprendere fino in fondo il...
Words: 3951 - Pages: 16
...,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 307,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 307,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 344,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 344,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 346,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 346,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 403,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 403,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 504,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 504,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 560,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 560,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 561,Course,Complete,All,Entire,final,Week,1,2,3,4,5,6, ACC 561,dq,discussion,question,assignment,midterm, ,exam,quiz,Strayer,Latest,New,Project,Keller,Homework,Phoenix,Ashford, ACC 565,Course,Complete,All...
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