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Resources in the Classroom


Submitted By spudster44
Words 774
Pages 4
Assignment 404
Resources in the classroom
A resource is described as something which can be turned to for support or help, or an available supply of something to be drawn upon when needed. (Grolier 1981). I find that the resources I use in the classroom are a valuable aid when I am teaching and will help the students who have different learning styles and needs. All resources used should meet the needs of learners so that all students feel equal. "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." (Confucius 551-479 BC) .This quote indicates that from the early ages people had different learning preferences. I begin my lessons by telling the student what the learning objectives and success criteria are. As I tell the students what they are I will point to the relevant parts on the whiteboard so that they can refer back to them at any given time. I tend to use power point to start all my lessons as this gives the students a good a focal point to begin with. This can be a good way for individual or group work where learners can read aloud what is being presented. This is a good way to help students with their reading skills as they do not see it as an English lesson. The power point can be stopped at any given point depending on the ability of the students in the lesson being delivered. After the power point I will give out differentiated worksheets which the student will complete on the sheet or in their workbook. The worksheets I use tend to be colourful so that they grasp the student’s attention (Included). I also try to use cartoon images as much as possible as they seem to like these and do not feel that the work is as formal as it is. If a lesson is not going to the plans I tend to bring out different games I have like matching up the animals or follow the loop cards to get the students focus back

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