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Ivan III

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14. Why the boyars were a barrier to building an absolute state in Moscow? What did Ivan do to that respect? The boyars were a group that acted as a break from the authority of the Grand Prince, who in this time period was Ivan. Not wanting anything to impede his power nor to stop his desire for absolute power, Ivan started to take away from the boyar’s resources. This attack was more subtle than direct but there could be no doubt to the motive of his actions. Ivan began to establish a new class of nobles, and allotted them estates that were conditional.
16. What was the Sudebnik? What was it used for? The Sudebnik was a new code of law that was established in 1497. This new code allowed for the death penalty to be used in the case of rebellion and anyone found enticing a rebellion. Additionally, this new code of law allowed peasants to leave their landlords and migrate to other places, however they could not leave before the harvest and needed to pay their landlords and exit fee for their departure.
17. In what way was Ivan III a great builder? …show more content…
He brought in Italian architects and began rebuilding the Kremlin and the grandiose Assumption Cathedral.
18. What do we know about Ivan IV? Was he different or similar to Ivan III? Explain your answer. Ivan believed it was his “God-given mission to lead humanity” but was considered to be possessed as well as haunted by his personal demons. He ended up killing his oldest son, but no one knows what drove him to the act in the manner which he did. He seemed similar to Ivan III because they both seemed to try to limit or take away the power of the boyars. Additionally, they both made strides to strengthen Russia and both made changes to the law codes when they were in power.
19. What happened during the years of Ivan the Terrible? Why did he behave like that? How did he administer the

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