...SELF CONCEPT The self-concept is the accumulation of knowledge about the self, such as beliefs regarding personality traits, physical characteristics, abilities, values, goals, and roles. Beginning in infancy, children acquire and organize information about themselves as a way to enable them to understand the relation between the self and their social world. This developmental process is a direct consequence of children's emerging cognitive skills and their social relationships with both family and peers. During early childhood, children's self-concepts are less differentiated and are centered on concrete characteristics, such as physical attributes, possessions, and skills. During middle childhood, the self-concept becomes more integrated and differentiated as the child engages in social comparison and more clearly perceives the self as consisting of internal, psychological characteristics. Throughout later childhood and adolescence, the self-concept becomes more abstract, complex, and hierarchically organized into cognitive mental representations or self-schemas, which direct the processing of self-relevant information. Understanding your self-concept It is the understanding and knowledge you have of your own existence. It is how you see yourself in relation to others and to your surroundings. To have a positive or healthy self-concept you must: Know yourself Love yourself Be True to yourself In order to meet the challenges of today's complicated...
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...No Self-discipline; No success Everyone has a dream but has anyone ever truly considered how they could make that dream come true Jesse Owens once said “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” (personal communication, 1936 Olympic games). Everyone should have a sense of personal responsibility, many are unaware of how or what this truly is and even how to achieve it on their own. Many do not look within themselves for a chance to succeed because they are unaware of how to do this. Self-discipline is displayed by people in choices that are made to achieve college success. Many are afforded the opportunity to ensure their success or to ensure their failure. If we were to ask everyday people where they would want to be they would all say somewhere successful. That is something that we all want for ourselves but is everyone willing to use their self-discipline to make the choices to achieve those dreams. Making dreams come true is not just wishing on a star or making a wish while blowing out birthday candles it is the choices that are made in life that will turn that dream into a reality. The definition of self-discipline can mean something different to each individual but to me it is the determination and control one uses on themself to make choices that will ensure success or will ensure that something is gained in their favor. Having the chance to make our own decisions...
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...February 20, 2015 Self-Discipline in Online Learning Clint Eastwood once said, “Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power”. In the world of technology it can be easy for one to become lazy. Our devices are setup to remind us about our tasks. They guide us to where we need to go and they hold so much of our information in them that many are reliant on them. With the bad comes good though as technology has afforded us many opportunities for growth both personally and professionally. This is evident in the world of online education. For online students, practicing self-discipline is imperative because it is necessary for a successful education and self-discipline helps you stay goal-oriented. In this paper, I will review for you what the article I read says about self-discipline as well as self-regulation, how that affects the online learner, and keys to success in the online learning world. Studies have shown that students who self-regulate and use self-discipline reach higher academic achievement. One particular article compares self-regulation and self-discipline. The article states, “An array of measures of SR (self-regulation) and SD (self-discipline) were gathered from high school students and were transformed into separate composite measures.” The study found that they were also able to predict the grades of these students, which tells me that self-discipline is a trait that...
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...There is no freedom without discipline “True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline.” ― Mortimer J. Adler “There is no freedom without discipline.” - Many people disagree with this statement and tend to identify it as something bad. They identify with it as a restriction or absence of freedom. But in reality, this quote refers to the meaning that discipline defined by rules in society allows individuals to have freedom within their lives. Humans are free to do what they desire. Those who have freedom are also responsible. However, if individuals do not understand discipline nor follow it or establish any self-discipline, they may decide not to act accordingly to any rules present and break them. They will develop an intense and selfish desire for power, do whatever they can to cheat others off just for their own selfish needs, casting them aside, ruining the freedom of others, and even risking their safety. This is why freedom does not exist without discipline. Discipline is essential to living a free, protected, and safe life. According to dictionary, discipline is “training to act in accordance with rules”. An example of the absence of discipline can occur in the setting of a sports game, a ballet class, or all types of scenarios. Without discipline, a sports game will have no rules. Any of the players may choose to take advantage of the absence of rules, and can decide to cheat in order to win and ruin the fun for others...
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...every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Our actions positive or negative will have an affect on others and ourselves. There is a direct correlation between personal responsibility and self-discipline; both are required for college success. The correlation between personal responsibility and self-discipline was supported in a Journal of Employment Counseling article where 102 business were surveyed to gain a better understanding of employers’ views of student workers’ work related skills while they were on the job. Personal responsibility was assessed in relation to honesty, employee attendance, punctuality, and treatment of others (Alsup, Molseed, & Voyles, 2003, p. 165). The study showed a strong connection between workplace success and personal responsibility. Similar to workplace success, college success is contingent on honesty, class attendance, punctuality, and team collaboration. In college, the student must complete activities on his or her own accord, which is derived from self-disciplined. There lies the correlation of both personal responsibility and self-discipline to college success. There lies a direct correlation between personal responsibility and college success because to be successful in college, a student must have a high level of self-discipline. Without personal responsibility a student would blame the professor for not advising the class that he or she had a paper due in week 3. With personal responsibility, he or she would hold himself...
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...Towards Higher Sustainable Economic Growth with People Welfare: Good governance in Kautilya's literature is aimed at fulfilling the welfare of the people. "In the happiness of the King's subjects lies his happiness, in their welfare, his welfare." The jargons related to Financial & Human Resource Management were not prevalent then, but its essence was widely observed in Kautilya's writings. "The King should look to the bodily comforts of his servants by providing such emoluments as can infuse in them the spirit of enthusiasm to work. He should not violate the course of righteousness and wealth. Thus, he shall not only maintain his servants, but also increase their subsistence and wages in consideration of their learning and work." Kautilya said that good governance and financial stability go hand in hand. According to him, there is stability if rulers (managers) are responsive, responsible, accountable, removable, and recallable, otherwise there would be instability. Clearly Kautilya's Arthashastra provides many valuable lessons to be learned by the present day rulers, managers and administrators. What is surprising is that what he taught about 2,400 years ago is equally, if not more relevant, even today. His vision and farsightedness, revealed in his text, is a precious gift to mangers and management education. Themes Roger Boesche describes the Arthaśāstra as "a book of political realism, a book analysing how the political world does work and not very often stating...
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...TITLE HEADING Discipline and self-discipline definitions Self-order is the place you have teach yourself and need to get to lessons and work on time you additionally need to have self-control to get every one of the things you are advised to do right. Self-restraint We require discipline in general society administrations on the grounds that in the event that we didn't nobody would complete the assignments or operations legitimately or in the time set, for instance in the armed force in the event that they had no self-restraint and the fighters had got solicited to something most from them just would not be tried to do it. The requirement for order in the Formally dressed UPS What might happen if there was Absence of Discipline?? Arrange should be kept up on the grounds that if there was no request in general society administrations everything would simply look extremely amateurish and nothing would complete when you are requested that do it. Why does request should be kept up?? Discipline is fundamentally quiet and controlled conduct. It is the place you request and control other individuals for instance in the armed force the greater part of the officers need to need to have order to advise alternate warriors what to do and to do it legitimately. Discipline should be followed in general society administrations in light of the fact that in the event that they weren't the assignment set would not complete in time everybody would simply do the undertakings time permitting...
Words: 354 - Pages: 2
...Discipline: Discipline takes many forms. The true measure of discipline is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. I expect you to maintain good standards of self-discipline and your military bearing. Communication: As soldiers it is critical that we communicate effectively. I expect you to be upfront and honest with me, as I will be with you. Some issues will be open for discussion, others will require execution. Your views and opinions are important and I expect you to share them with me. We all have different approaches and methods. We learn from each other. Counseling: You will be counseled on a monthly basis. The standard areas will include: positive attributes or accomplishments, areas that need to be sustained, areas that require improvement, upcoming events, promotion potential, and education. Appointments: You will bring appointments to my attention at least 48 hours in advance so that I may plan the workload for when you will be absent. Emergencies are understood (they should be the exception – not the rule). Make your appointments and return to duty promptly. Drugs and Alcohol: I will not tolerate any abuse of drugs or alcohol. Accountability/Responsibility: Always know the status of your equipment and personnel. Accept responsibility for your actions. Do no attempt to blame others or divert attention from an incident. Do not participate in the blame game, it only wastes valuable...
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...narrow classrooms composed of a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 60 pupils per class, but its nature is much more difficult backbreaking responsibility to do than other obligations of the teacher and in this situation she should be able to bridge the between discipline and pupils behaviours. Militant, disobedient, socially inadequate and withdrawn behaviours of pupils are disruptions of class and establish a set of problems to public school teachers. As a teachers they claim it a great burden to deal with in their daily lives. Most teachers are claiming that their effort do not to effectively handle disruptive pupils. With fifty or more pupils in the classroom per section, almost one half of the members of the lower sections are disruptive. These behaviour pupils constantly disrupt classroom situations. Behaviour control is important. Success in teaching is often directly proportional to a teachers ability to use appropriate disciplinary measures. Teachers play a vital role in the total development of the child’s values. He is the key figure in the success or failure on the childs behaviour enhancement. It should be borne in mind that the ability of the teacher toimpose discipline in the classroom is an important factor inthelearning – teaching situations. Teachers ability is disciplining the pupils is indeed vast andthe challenge for him is great. As a teacher therefore, he should strive his best to maintain a classroom atmosphere...
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...EFFECTIVE DISCIPLINE AND DOMESTIC INQUIRY PROCEDURES PREPARED FOR: PUAN EDNA BINTI BUYONG PREPARED BY: NO. | NAME | MATRIX NO. | 1. | TOH HUI LING | B061510068 | DATE O,F SUBMISSION : 23RD MARCH 2016 Chapter 20: Effective Discipline and Domestic Inquiry Procedures The purpose of discipline is to encourage employees to meet established standards of job performance and behaviour. This means all employees are expected to adhere to rules and regulations. Discipline is actually a form of training. When employees get more enjoyment from their work and feel that they are part of the team they will tend to follow rules and regulations willingly. Discipline action should only be used as a last resort and employees should be encouraged to practise self-discipline. Whether an employee is terminated or dismissed, however, the Industrial Court will proceed to hear the case as a dismissal if it is referred to the Court. Termination arises out of breach of contract and an employer has the right to terminate an employee if he has breached the terms of his contract. If the employees would not be able to perform his duties and if there is no other suitable work for the employees, the employer has the right to terminate the employee’s service. The right to dismiss arises out of breach of discipline. An employee may be dismissed without notice after he has been found guilty of a disciplinary offence after an inquiry. The right to dismiss arises out of breach of discipline. An employee...
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...Welcome to WritePoint, the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays. The system embeds comments into your paper and suggests possible changes in grammar and style. Please evaluate each comment carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but remember that your instructor's preferences for style and format prevail. You will also need to review your own citations and references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. NOTE: WritePoint comments are computer-generated writing and grammar suggestions inviting the consideration and analysis of the writer; they are not infallible statements of right/wrong, and they should not be used as grading elements. Also, at present, WritePoint cannot detect quotations or block-quotes, so comments in those areas should be ignored. Please see the other helpful writing resources in the Tutorials and Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence. Thank you for using WritePoint. University of Phoenix Material Thesis Statement and Informal Outline Worksheet In this course, you [Eliminate second person (you, your) in academic documents and avoid addressing the reader directly. Prefer third-person pronouns (he, she, they, it)] will write a 700- to 1,400-word Personal Responsibility Essay [This title could be more inspiring. Labeling it a "paper" or an "essay" is redundant (what else could it be?), and only a few words as a...
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...Problems with employees may arise from time to time in even the best-run business so discipline consideration should be enforced and punishment should be given to those who are perceived to have broken them (Edward, 2000:319).The statutory legislation to perform a rules for employees to maintain the order of the at their workplace, so the employee is bounded to obey the discipline imposed at his workplace, thus being created a specific subordination between the employer and his employees (Vieriu,2009). Every company must establish a discipline procedure because it can produce a controlled performance between employer and employee as a guidance of their own talent and resources (Torrington, Hall, and Taylor, 2002, p.528). ACAS disciplinary procedure is the one rule that help and encourage all workers to achieve and maintain standards of conduct, attendance and job performance to ensure consistent and fair treatment between employer and employees. Extract from (Disciplinary rules and procedures, 2004, para.60), a good disciplinary procedure should: * Be put in writing and tell employees what mistake they do. * Say to whom they apply and note them orally especially those difficult in langue problem. * All the issue will deal without undue delay and promptly. * All relevant information will be kept as confidential. * Explain to employees what disciplinary action might be taken and let them know about the authority disciplinary action decision will be act by...
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...dictionary, discipline is: Training that is expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement. Controlled behavior resulting from disciplinary training. A systematic method to obtain obedience. A state of order based upon submission to rules and authority. To train by instruction and control. Discipline is a learned behavior. It is much more than blind obedience and punishment. Rather, it is a state of order and obedience that is a result of regulations and orders. You must be disciplined to achieve your goals. Discipline is training that develops, molds, strengthens, or perfects mental faculties and character. It involves placing group goals above your own, being willing to accept orders from higher authority, and carrying out those orders effectively. Part of the job of a cadet is to make their fellow cadets aware of the purpose and meaning of discipline. Types of Discipline. Self Discipline. Self discipline is a willing and instinctive sense of responsibility that leads you to know what needs to be done. Getting to work on time, knowing the job, setting priorities, and denying personal preferences for more important ones all measure how self disciplined you are. This is the highest order of all disciplines because it springs from the values you use to regulate and control your actions. The ideal situation is to motivate cadets to willingly discipline themselves, and exercise self control and...
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...Discipline as an integral part of effective supervision 1. Discipline in terms of supervision In terms of supervision, discipline must be referred to as a set of instructions given to the subordinate employee. It makes the subordinates learn all the instructions, which are required in order to provide successful work performance. The inability to follow such instructions results in certain “penalties” for the individual. Each organization has its own disciplinary code aimed to maintain the order within the organization. Discipline may be analyzed as the attempt to model the conduct of the subordinates in accordance with the peculiarity of a given organization. It actually shapes the behavior which is considered to be acceptable by the supervisors. Improper professional conduct may result in various negative consequences especially when it deals with police supervision as misconduct may lead even to death. Discipline in terms of effective police supervision is achieved through coaching, mentoring and counseling of subordinates and is controlled through a set of penalties. The major task of the supervisory discipline is to form the subordinate’s self-discipline and therefore secure the work process (Ianonne, 2000). All the disciplinary procedures used to reinforce the importance of the disciplinary code of the given organization deal with making the individual committed to a certain type of actions during his work hours. Discipline also plays an essential role in the formation...
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...what personal responsibility truly is. From my experience in the military it was a matter of life and death. For a Marine combat squad to be successful in combat, each individual must be trusted to be able to perform his or her duty. Luckily, earning a college degree isn’t quite life or death, however it is still very important. Being successful in school means implementing some of the same techniques taught in the Marines. These qualities, such as personal responsibility, accountability, morality, time management, and self discipline are skills necessary to succeed in life. Personal responsibility is being able to hold yourself accountable for your own actions in life. The ability to take an organized, disciplined approach to a task utilizing skills such as maintaining your morality, personal accountability and organization is pivotal for success with anything you put your mind to in life including college. Personal responsibility is the ability to hold ones self-accountable for their own decisions. The keys to college success are much the same for personal and career endeavors. Having a strong sense of accountability will ultimately be one of the most important skills required to reach maximum success. There will be difficult times in the future where I must exercise a degree of personal accountability to take on the added responsibility of continuing my education and completing the tasks ahead. By holding myself liable I will be in a better position to obtain success with...
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