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Troubled Family Agenda 2011: Article Analysis

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Furthermore, the Child Poverty Act 2010 (HM, 2011) emphasises child poverty is not just a cause of concern because of the lack of financial security one has, but also including the of lack of opportunities, stability and aspirations which could result from child poverty. It is therefore important to target those issues through local orgnisation with the support of the ‘Troubled Family Agenda 2011’. The introduction of the ‘Troubled Family Agenda 2011’ has supported local councils to help 110,000 trouble families in England, with an estimated 53,000 having been ‘turned around’ with the support of the program. It has been suggested that often structure and agency can benefit such programs or schemes like the ‘Troubled Families Program’ in order to help troubled families (cited in Communities and Local Government, 2012). …show more content…
It is therefore likely the individual may be used to the situation and therefore finding it difficult to break the cycle of poverty (Giddens; 1984 and Goulden; 2010). Since the cycle of poverty can cause intergenerational cycles it also makes it difficult to make changes as it is what the person knows and what they feel secure in, because of their ‘habitus’(Ritzer and Goodman, 2004). However, Giddens (1938), suggests the perspective of an agency approach; it is the individuals own decisions and actions that determine how much power and control they hold regardless of their class. In regards, to child poverty and unemployment it is the choices of the individuals to make a difference as it is they who control what happens next (cited in Stones,

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