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Transgender Issues In Sports

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What would someone like me a man in my mid-forties years have an interest in transgender issues particularly: issues in the how transgender issues are handled in the school system, and scholastic sports. I think in these times it is important to be aware of fluid issues such as this. Using the term fluid might seem an oversimplification, but in my view, I have seen with my own eyes how quickly society can change. This can be seen in the idea of transgender issues in school and sports displayed in the recent news. Of the issues covered in recent events are transgenders using the appropriate bathroom, and where should a transgender be able to participate in sports. Why should I question this issue overall, are not boys: boys and girls: girls …show more content…
The Native Americans in this instance considered them as they were, or as they called them the third gender role. This is not a physical category but a sociological category. In Native American culture, it seems that not much was made out of the transgenders actions. If the individual chose aspects of the female that person was treated as female, and so forth for if the male aspect was chosen. This could be a process of what tools the child decided to play with and they would go with that. This did not seem to go beyond that for most Indian tribes and was accepted. I modern time transgenders seem to be more accepted in Native American culture now. There has even been a term added to their culture called, two-spirits.

American culture is a western culture in this idea about transgender. In this culture, we seem to have the idea of out of sight out of mind or turned it into an entertainment principle. Western culture at the star would accept individuals that kept their status to themselves; one example is soldiers in the civil war. These soldiers disguised as men fought during this time, and after kept their identity as men, they estimated the number of 200 females donned the military uniform at that …show more content…
These matter concerns were to place the students and how to include to students scholastic sports that everyone is entitled to participate if they wish. This is a many fold issue, ranging from what is acceptable to the transgender athlete and the remainder of the students, to other family members or your opponents. The bottom line in that the school system has to change with the times, as Rhonda Blanford-Green, "Kids are becoming more comfortable saying 'I'm transgendered.' Ten years ago, no one would even say that — especially in a high school setting," (Popke) One issue that is brought forth is what is fair to the students, will the transgender student compete with an advantage, or transgender girls (born male) have an advantage on female teams? “These concerns are: 1) transgender girls are really boys despite their affirmed gender identity as a girl; 2) fear that non-transgender boys will pretend to be girls to win championships or get more playing time on girls teams; 3) transgender girls pose a safety risk for non-transgender girls in some sports, like basketball or field hockey; and 4) transgender girls have a competitive advantage over non-transgender girls.”(Griffin) It is now up to the system to make to take into account on what is beneficial to all the

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