New Term Papers & Essays for Students

An academic essay is a purposeful piece of writing that evolves an idea or argument using evidence, analysis, and interpretation. But starting off on one can sometimes be tough, especially if you're unsure of how to approach it.

You need to brainstorm potential topics, select an appropriate one, research it thoroughly, and then finally organize your ideas in writing. But where do you even begin? Term Paper Warehouse, of course.

This list of hundreds of our new essays on a wide range of topics is a great starting point. You can find literary analysis essays like those on perseverance in Three Cups of Tea or loyalty in Romeo and Juliet, cause and effect essays like the pros and cons of segregation in the United States, and more, all in one place. Browse and find the best one for your next assignment.
Concussions Should Not Avoid Concussions In Sports

A concussion is described as a "mild traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly within the skull."...

How Did John Quincy Adams Fight Slavery?

John Quincy Adams was the 6th president of the United States and ran from March 4, 1825 through March 4, 1829. He was known for becoming the first president...

Unit 505/096 Unit 2

Unit 2. H/505/0912 Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training. 4. What is the difference between a.. Be able to apply theories,...

European Expansion DBQ

The Age of Exploration marked a significant turning point in European history, as various nations sought to expand their influence by venturing into the...

Sue Monk Kidd

Lucy Allyn Ms. Green 10 Accelerated Language Arts? ? November 2024 Title DIRECTIONS: Build your essay, one paragraph at a time. We will focus on a different...

Odysseus As A Hero In Homer's The Odyssey

The Odyssey Final Being a hero is doing things for the greater good, no matter how much suffering it entails. Homer explores this theory throughout his book...

Ivy League Broke America Summary

How the Ivy League Broke America looks at the role of elite universities like Harvard, Yale and Princeton in perpetuating social class and economic inequality....

Nt1310 Unit 1 Study Guide

1. What is the difference between a. and a. Three Broad Processes of Interaction in a Child’s Development. Child development is influenced by various processes...

GI Bleed ATI Reflection

GI Bleed ATI Reflection Delaney Scholbrock Northeast Iowa Community College ADN 525: Advanced Nursing Care for Adults Lindsay Johansen November 22nd, 2024. GI...

How Did Thomas Paine Declare Independence

Thomas Paine's Common Sense convinced many Americans that they should fight for independence by explaining why it was unfair to stay under British rule. Thomas...

Should Students Get Rid Of Recess Research Paper

There are many reasons why students should be getting recess. One reason why students should have recess is because it can help their health and so that they...

Boston Tea Party Research Paper

The Boston Tea Party changed lives forever when people fought for their rights to lower taxes and was instrumental in sparking the Revolutionary War, which gave...

Most Searched Term Papers & Essays

Structuring your paper well is just as important as presenting research-backed information in it. While you're writing, make sure that every key point is organized into a distinct paragraph. Also, remember to format your paper as per the prescribed guidelines. This includes line spaces, font style, font size, citation format, among others. Our popular essays include excellent samples that will help you choose the right format for yours. Look through them here to get started.
Richman Investments “Internal Use Only” Data Classification Standard Brief Report

RICHMAN INVESTMENTS “INTERNAL USE ONLY” DATA CLASSIFICATION STANDARD Brief Report This Brief Report is to describe Richman Investments policy of “Internal Use Only” data classific

My Grandfather – a Commemorative Speech

My Grandfather – A Commemorative Speech Some people leave this earth without their names being immortalized in history books, but that does not mean that they are forgotten. They


Tahmina Ahmed Professor Cammilleri English 201 19 march, 2013 “Forgiveness is not forgetting an injustice done; it is the understanding that allows us to set aside the emotional i


A manager faces several challenges in motivating his or her employees in today's workforce. Three challenges are diversity, organizational restructuring and fewer entry-level empl

Love Doll

Love Doll: A fable Love Doll is a fable written by Joe R. Lansdale in 1991. It is a short story about a man, who buys a plastic love doll, because, as he says in the first line of

Personal Assessment of Management Skills (Pams)

PERSONAL ASSESSMENT OF MANAGEMENT SKILLS (PAMS) Self-Assessment Exercise and Assignment 1. In Google or your browser enter: Personal Assessment of Management Skills (PAMS) and ope

Pepsi-Lipton Brisk Case Study

1. Should Brisk be advertised on primetime TV or with viral ads in the months following the Super Bowl ad? What are the benefits of each media? What are the costs? Viral ads Benef

Which Popcorn Pops the Best

Which pop Corn Pops the Best? Project Design Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to determine which bran of popcorn will pop the best, leaving the fewest un-popped kernels.

Unit Six: Principles of Budgets in a Business Environment

Unit six: Principles of budgets in a business environment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. • The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this

Case Study: Building a Coalition

MGMT 591 11/9/2014 Case Study: Building a Coalition Dr. Anne Hallcom Case Study: Building a Coalition for Woodson Foundation The Woodson Foundation, a large nonprofit social servi

Virtual Teams in Action: Building the F-35 Fighter

1. What advantages did Lockheed Martin gain by using virtual teams? Explain. The advantages Lockheed Martin gained by using virtual teams are better communications as if the parti

Army Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness, Why Does The Army Require It? Physical readiness is the ability to meet the physical demands of any combat or duty position, accomplish the mission and continue

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